All the world is a stage.
Theatre is a form of human expression shaped by social, economic, technological, personal and artistic forces. Theatre holds a mirror up to society and the human condition: it forces us to examine ourselves, our values, and our ways of thinking. It helps us find the narrative thread in an idea or emotion.
Theatre courses
The theatre appreciation courses offered through Continuing Studies at UVic will introduce you to some of the greatest works of the stage, including:
- Shakespeare
- contemporary Broadway productions
- genres of world theatre
- improvisational comedy

Summer Arts Series
Annual summer arts series for professional and practicing artists, and UVic alumni.
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Don't give up if it's in your heart. It's exciting what can happen when you just try, advises Continuing Studies alumna Janis Dunning. She believes that there is no expiration date to learn something new.
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There are several well-known health benefits to engaging in creative endeavors, but sometimes actually getting into a right headspace is easier said than done. So what are some things you can do to get those creative juices flowing?
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From the earliest markings upon cave walls, to the rhythmic beating of drums, cultural dance or even the creation of written language, people have been driven to express themselves through art since the earliest days of our species.
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We are sad to announce the recent passing of one of our long-time instructors and friends, Dr. Michael Booth.
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John Lucas describes himself as “an actor who happens to sing and dance.” Having had one foot in theatre and the other in academia all his life has made him feel like “the illegitimate offspring of Northrop Frye and Daffy Duck,”
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