Environmental Restoration Project
Code: ER390
Apply this course towards:
Restoration of Natural Systems – Certificate,
Restoration of Natural Systems – Diploma
Course description
This course involves a planning and participating in a real restoration project. The project is usually done in partnership with a community group, government department or industry partner. If you are working in a related field, the project can be based on activities for your job with prior approval from the Academic Director.
Your ER390 project is one of the key components of your Restoration of Natural Systems Diploma. It is an independently led, hands-on restoration project that you will conduct (generally) in close coordination with a community partner over a maximum of three terms. Each ER390 project is uniquely tailored to the needs of the student and partner.
The final project brings together the knowledge and skills you acquired through the program and applies these to a real restoration situation in your area of specialization. It should reinforce and grow what you have learned. The project has three main goals:
- To demonstrate a positive contribution by you to ecological restoration.
- To give you a final opportunity to develop a desired professional skill and make professional connections.
- To provide a written report that provides a record of your work from which future students and the public can learn.
To get project approval, please contact Dr. Nancy Shackelford (nshack@uvic.ca).
You can find sample reports here.
The expected time commitment for this course is approximately 100 hours, spread over 1 year or less. All RNS students must complete a final project to obtain their diploma or certificate.
Please also see ER400: Seminar in Environmental Restoration. ER400 consists of the ER390 presentation and a portfolio that is a compilation of the major projects from ER311, 312A and 312B plus one elective to be determined in consultation with the RNS Program’s Academic Administrator.
How to register
This course is only open to Restoration of Natural Systems (RNS) program students who have had their proposals approved by the Program Director. If you need more information about how to get approval, please contact the program coordinator at resscipc@uvic.ca. If you already have approval, please call the Continuing Studies Registration Desk at 250-472-4747, Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm to register.
Credit (diploma) students pay $200 of the course tuition upon registration, with the remainder paid to UVic Tuition.
Non-credit (certificate) students pay the full course tuition upon registration.
Additional course details
Course credit
3 units at UVic or Certificat students may take on a non-credit basis.
Independent project.
Must be a current student in the RNS program.
You will be assessed based on a Final Report approved for publication as a technical report of Restoration of Natural Systems. Your report should be approximately 5,000 words long, not including references and any figures, tables, drawings, photographs and appendices.
The final report is worth 100% of the grade in this course. It will be published as a technical report of Restoration of Natural Systems and made available as a PDF to the public.
RELATED TOPICS: Ecological Restoration