Facing Human Wrongs: Unsettling Wellness
Course description
This course is an experiential, online course for care workers as broadly defined with an emphasis on mental health/psychology but also including medicine, bodywork and other healing modalities, home and nursing health aides, etc.
Guided by four denials (e.g., denial of systemic violence, denial of unsustainability, denial of entanglement and denial of the magnitude of the challenges) we will focus specifically on how care work and care workers are complicit in each, and how psychology and wellness keep systems like modernity, capitalism and colonialism on life support.
We end each session and the course with gesturing toward a decolonial care work that rekindles our connection with the planetary metabolism rather than individual wellness, transforms our relationship to pain and grief, and supports us in becoming better elders and ancestors to our human and other-than-human relations.
This is an 8-session asynchronous course, with optional live online tutorials every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month between 8–9:30 am PDT. The dates for the online tutorials are April 12 and 26, May 10 and 24, June 14 and 28, July 12 and 26. The live zoom sessions will not be recorded; however, you do not need to attend all 8 sessions to participate in the course. You’ll engage with the course content between live sessions through the online learning platform we use called Brightspace. All that is required is connection to the internet.
Please note: the April 5 start date is the date when course resources and instructions for the first live session will become available on the Brightspace platform. The first live session will follow on April 12 from 8–9:30 AM PDT.
Learning objectives
Learners who take this course will be supported to:
- Critically engage with ancestral legacies: Interrupt the patterns of vilification and idealization of the care professions’ key figures and critically reflect on the ambivalent gifts of their contributions.
- Complexify modernity’s impact on care professions: Explore how modernity, capitalism and colonialism affect care work, not merely as political or historical processes, but also as metabolic and neurophysiological impairments based on the premises of separability and individuality.
- Move beyond managing distress: Develop a greater ability to perceive the nuanced connections between individual and planetary poly-crises, and increase the capacity to sit with lack of closure, uncertainty and incompleteness.
- Expand capacity to sit with complicity in harm: Learn how to un-numb to the sense of visceral responsibility and maturity through experiential practices that support present and future generations in moving from self-centred self-care towards more accountable metabolic planetary entanglement.
Students are strongly encouraged to have engaged with the work of the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures Collective via the course Facing Human Wrongs and/or Sensing Harm by Design or reading Hospicing Modernity. Please note that if you have not taken these offerings, we will still welcome you into the course with the understanding that the on ramp might feel shorter and bumpier.
We ask you to take this self-assessment questionnaire to further assist you in determining whether the course Facing Human Wrongs: Unsettling Wellness (FHW:UW) is suitable for your needs.
Unsettling wellness utilizes the methodology of FHW, including the Broccoli Seed Agreement, and requires participants to be ready to be challenged in their view of themselves as care workers, their professions, and of the world, to navigate the complexity of their own emotions and identities and to embrace ambiguity and uncertainty: the fact that there are no universal answers, formulas, solutions or course methodologies that can work for everyone.
Participants who benefit the most from this course are those who are looking for experiences where they can:
- be present to and process the harms caused by humanity and specifically by care work
- see themselves as part of humanity, and the whole spectrum of humanity within themselves, including the good, the bad, the ugly and the messed up
- confront their personal and professional compulsions, problematic patterns of thinking and behaviour, and perceived entitlements, and how they affect their relationships
- develop (self) compassion and resilience to witness the human predicament as care workers in the long haul, including capabilities to decentre the human experience
- redefine community beyond human relationships and interrupt conditioned patterns of relationship building that demand transactional validation, which can be essential in creating healthy relationships beyond the course.
Please note that if you fit any of the situations below, the course is not recommended for you.
- if you require a substantial sense of certainty and control
- if you are a survivor of abuse who is actively working through trauma that requires extensive support
- if you are looking for a community that can validate your opinions and meet your expectations for individual care, attention and belonging
We strongly ask you to please pause and consider if now is the right time for you to engage in this experience at this time in your professional life. Reflecting on your practices of self- and co-regulation may be useful before you begin, as well as perhaps checking in with a trusted friend, elder, and/or therapist. During the course, you are welcome to reach out to the Unsettling Wellness (UW) instructors for assistance in learning from observing your internal responses, although we are not able to provide therapy.
Fee structure
This course includes a sliding fee scale. When registering, please select the fee type that applies to you.
- Base fee: The base course fee is $865 CAD (with 50% of net proceeds redistributed to Indigenous-led projects in the Amazon and northeast of Brazil)
- Pay-it-forward fee: Please consider paying this amount ($1,300 CAD) to contribute towards the participation of more people if you:
- have the ability to comfortably meet all your basic needs and have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, social class or other forms of privilege
- belong to a sponsoring organization, are employed full-time or work part-time by choice
- own the home you live in, have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money, or have access to family money and resources in times of need
- travel recreationally
- Reduced fee: You can also choose the reduced fee ($435 CAD) if you:
- have difficulty covering basic expenses for you and/or your family
- have medical expenses not covered by insurance
- are an elder with limited financial support
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