Supporting Learners Experiencing Difficulties with Literacy II
Course description
This course continues the exploration of assessment and instructional practices for elementary, middle and high school students who experience difficulties with reading and writing.
A practical component involves creating and delivering a series of intervention lessons to a student who experiences challenges with literacy learning.
How to register
Online courses - UVic
To register for this course, you must be admitted to The University of Victoria:
- Current or past UVic students: click here to re-register
- New to UVIC: apply online
Face to face summer courses
Registration for these credit courses will begin in March. If you have never taken credit courses at UVic, you will need to apply for admission.
If you are certified by the Teacher Regulation Branch, forward a copy of your certificate/card to admissions; transcripts are not required.
If you were previously a student at UVic, you may need to re-register.
RELATED TOPICS: Teacher Professional Development