Program description
In a time characterized by 24-hour news cycles and unparalleled interconnectivity, preserving reputations has become more crucial than ever. When crises emerge, preparation is the key to an effective response. The Micro-certificate in Crisis Communication for Public Relations Professionals is designed for communicators seeking to enhance their skills by providing them with the expertise to develop, implement and assess robust crisis communication plans.
Exploring crisis communication theories and real-world case studies, participants will learn to navigate the complexities of crisis preparation, craft narratives for tumultuous times, ready spokespersons, effectively engage with media and social platforms, and maneuver through the post-crisis landscapes. Graduates of this online micro-credential will emerge as resilient communicators, armed with the knowledge and skills to navigate and respond to crises.
You will learn the following topics in this online program:
- predicting and preparing for a crisis
- crisis vulnerability analysis
- best practices for developing an effective crisis communication plan
- assembling a crisis communication team
- spokespersons and leadership
- crisis communication theories
- crisis responses
- ethics of crisis communication
- media and crisis
- crisis communication evaluation strategies
You will be guided by a subject matter expert who will facilitate your learning during the entire 12-week course.
Program highlights

This program is delivered online, allowing you to work independently within deadlines set by your instructor. With this format, you don't have to worry about travel or scheduling conflicts while you study. You can work at your own pace, on your own schedule and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

The University of Victoria is one of Canada's leading universities, recognized for preparing students for careers in a wide range of disciplines. Upon successful completion of this program you will receive a Micro-certificate in Crisis Communication for Public Relations Professionals.

This program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve your professional goals in just 12 weeks.

Our instructors are industry professionals with years of experience. They’re dedicated to helping you develop the knowledge and skills to realize your full potential.

This program will give you laddering opportunities into other micro-credentials or to non-credit programs.
Through the StrongerBC future skills grant, students may be eligible to receive funding for this program. View details and eligibility.